2015 World Congress of NFP in Milan Info and Call for Papers

We at the NFPTAI have received the following letter with reference to the World Congress:

Journey to the Roots of the Boundaries of the Future: Natural Family Planning (NFP) as a Tool for a

Sustainable / Healthy / Human Sexual Life — New Perspectives in Sexual Life / Family Planning —

Feed the Life, Nourish the Love, Sustain the Family

Great event: Save the Date!

15 years after the last NFP World Congress, a new NFP World Congress will be held.  The 2015 NFP World Congress will cover a large number of anthropological, pedagogical and scientific topics, and will present updated data and new diagnostic-therapeutic perspectives in the field of fertility regulation. Everyone should take advantage of this special occasion and participate in this event!

Call for papers: The call for Abstracts is open; please connect with the web site http://www.2015nfpcongress.org page “Program-Call for Abstract” to see information.

The event will be held during the Milan World “Expo 2015 – Feed the Planet. Energy for Life” and you and your family are invited to visit it. Many people are expected in Milan to attend this world event in June next year: Early booking of hotels is strongly recommended (as soon as possible). The IEEF are in the process of negotiating good prices and to block a number of rooms, but the number is limited and time is running!

For all information, please visit our website: www.2015NFPcongress.org and stay up to date by registering for our Newsletter http://www.2015nfpcongress.org/Account/Register

We’re looking forward to seeing you!

The Presidents of the Congress

Lucia Rovelli, Presidente IEEF, Lugano (CH)

Michele Barbato, Past President IEEF, Vimercate (I)

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